Two days of recording and meetings.
Amazing experiences of people who help to make things happen and people who open the "new world of culture".
Even and Evenks.
After we had hart times to organize a lot of things also to explain people that we are not here for scientific reasons although I want to record languages, we finally met two women in the museum for music and folklore - two even women. Very nice women, they seemd to be very quite but the last impression was as astonishing access to their music and singing - as good as contemporary rap and hip hop. those both women were singing and rapping in even language about the situation like from the US-west-coast.
With these impressions and the idea to cook german food in Tuyara's home we organized cucumber, balsamico, tomatos, sausages, garlic,... and other things for GERMAN POTATO SALAD with SAUSAGES. We made a tasty dinner for us three Tuyara, Thomas and me. We were talking quite nice and took a taxi to our dormitory around 11pm.
The sunday started in the kitchen with all the others from the dormitory, an international breakfast between chinese noodles, german bread, cheese and cereals. The temperatures are around -31 degrees and we are getting really relaxed about this topic after a while. One underpants and a trousers must work and it works. We went to the "Dorm Artschi" a folklore house with a circle dance from yakut people today.
Wow. all the people were dressed very nice and were dancing traditional yakut dances. Some remind me to Polka. I was in the middle sourrounded by 40 Yakut men and women while I was recording the circle dance singing man and the crowd who repeated his first voice. This is Yakutia.
Later Semyon called he found an Evenk woman for description, so we met and went to her appartment. She was describing, she was singing, we were dancing, she was telling stories about her reindeer-childhood, and dreams - the ice-whispering and how to escape from bears while riding a reindeer........ Thanks Seymon, this evening was a very impressive experience.
Later we had a chinese and japanese dinner in the dormitory with all the other teachers from language school. GERMAN,KOREAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE and us. The Dragon year is one step ahead so we ate very tasty food and were talking a lot.
Thomas and my first chicken food besides of salad and tofu. But we went through and the vodka helped to forget that the chicken had no nail-cut before.
Happy New Year again. Dragon year 2012.
Sunday, 22. January 2012
DAY 18/19 - dancing Evenks dances
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